100 Essential JavaScript Definitions for Beginners

Dive into the world of JavaScript with our comprehensive guide featuring 100 essential definitions. From basic concepts to advanced features, this article covers everything a beginner needs to know to start their coding journey. Perfect for aspiring web developers and those looking to refresh their JS knowledge.

Sep 12, 2024

100 Essential JavaScript Definitions for Beginners

Are you just starting your journey into the world of JavaScript? You've come to the right place! This comprehensive guide will walk you through 100 essential JavaScript terms and concepts, helping you build a solid foundation for your coding adventures. Let's dive in!

Basic Concepts

  1. JavaScript: A versatile programming language used for creating interactive web pages and applications.
  1. Variable: A container for storing data values. Example: let name = "John";
  1. Constant: A variable that cannot be reassigned. Example: const PI = 3.14159;
  1. Data Type: A classification of data. JavaScript has six primitive data types and one complex data type (Object).
  1. String: A sequence of characters enclosed in quotes. Example: "Hello, World!"
  1. Number: A numeric data type used for integers and floating-point numbers. Example: 42 or 3.14
  1. Boolean: A data type representing true or false values.
  1. Undefined: A variable that has been declared but not assigned a value.
  1. Null: A deliberate non-value or absence of any object value.
  1. Symbol: A unique and immutable primitive data type introduced in ES6.

Operators and Expressions

  1. Operator: A symbol that performs operations on values and variables.
  1. Assignment Operator (=): Assigns a value to a variable. Example: x = 5;
  1. Arithmetic Operators: Perform mathematical operations (+, , , /, %).
  1. Comparison Operators: Compare values (==, ===, !=, !==, >, <, >=, <=).
  1. Logical Operators: Perform logical operations (&&, ||, !).
  1. Ternary Operator: A shorthand for an if-else statement. Example: condition ? expr1 : expr2
  1. Expression: A combination of values, variables, and operators that resolves to a value.

Control Flow

  1. If Statement: A conditional statement that executes code based on a condition.
  1. Else Statement: Specifies code to be executed when the if condition is false.
  1. Else If Statement: Checks multiple conditions in sequence.
  1. Switch Statement: Selects one of many code blocks to be executed.
  1. For Loop: A control flow statement for iterating a specific number of times.
  1. While Loop: Executes a block of code as long as a condition is true.
  1. Do...While Loop: Similar to while, but always executes the code block at least once.
  1. Break Statement: Terminates a loop or switch statement.
  1. Continue Statement: Skips the rest of the loop iteration and continues with the next one.


  1. Function: A reusable block of code that performs a specific task.
  1. Function Declaration: Defines a named function. Example: function greet() { ... }
  1. Function Expression: Assigns a function to a variable. Example: const greet = function() { ... }
  1. Arrow Function: A concise way to write function expressions. Example: const greet = () => { ... }
  1. Parameters: Variables listed as part of a function definition.
  1. Arguments: Values passed to a function when it is called.
  1. Return Statement: Specifies the value to be returned by a function.
  1. Callback Function: A function passed as an argument to another function.
  1. Higher-Order Function: A function that takes other functions as arguments or returns them.

Objects and Arrays

  1. Object: A complex data type representing a collection of key-value pairs.
  1. Property: A key-value pair in an object.
  1. Method: A function that is a property of an object.
  1. Array: An ordered collection of elements stored in a single variable.
  1. Index: A numeric position of an element in an array (starting from 0).
  1. Array Method: Built-in functions to manipulate arrays (e.g., push(), pop(), slice()).
  1. Object Literal: A way to create objects using curly braces {}.
  1. Dot Notation: Accessing object properties using a dot. Example: person.name
  1. Bracket Notation: Accessing object properties using brackets. Example: person["name"]

DOM and Events

  1. DOM (Document Object Model): A programming interface for HTML and XML documents.
  1. Element: An individual part of an HTML document, like a paragraph or div.
  1. Node: Any object in the DOM tree.
  1. Event: An action that occurs in the browser, such as a button click or page load.
  1. Event Listener: A function that responds to events triggered by the user.
  1. Event Handler: A function that runs when an event occurs.

Advanced Concepts

  1. Scope: The context in which variables are declared and accessible.
  1. Closure: A function that retains access to its outer function's scope.
  1. Hoisting: The behavior of moving variable and function declarations to the top of their scope.
  1. This Keyword: Refers to the object it belongs to.
  1. Prototype: An object from which other objects inherit properties.
  1. Inheritance: The ability of an object to acquire properties and methods from another object.
  1. Class: A blueprint for creating objects (introduced in ES6).
  1. Constructor: A special method for creating and initializing objects created within a class.
  1. Asynchronous Programming: Writing code that doesn't run sequentially.
  1. Promise: An object representing the eventual completion or failure of an asynchronous operation.
  1. Async/Await: A modern syntax for working with asynchronous code using promises.
  1. Module: A self-contained piece of code with private and public interfaces.
  1. Export: A keyword used to make code in a module accessible to other files.
  1. Import: A keyword used to include code from other modules.
  1. JSON (JavaScript Object Notation): A lightweight data interchange format.

ES6+ Features

  1. Let: A block-scoped variable declaration.
  1. Const: A block-scoped declaration for constants.
  1. Template Literals: String literals allowing embedded expressions. Example: `Hello, ${name}!`
  1. Destructuring: A syntax for extracting values from arrays or properties from objects.
  1. Spread Operator: An operator used to spread elements of an array or object. Example: ...array
  1. Rest Parameter: Collects multiple elements into an array. Example: function(a, ...rest)
  1. Default Parameters: Allows setting default values for function parameters.
  1. Map: A data structure that stores key-value pairs.
  1. Set: A data structure that stores unique values.
  1. Symbol: A unique and immutable primitive data type.

Browser APIs and Web Development

  1. AJAX (Asynchronous JavaScript and XML): A technique for making asynchronous requests to the server.
  1. Fetch API: A modern replacement for XMLHttpRequest for making HTTP requests.
  1. Local Storage: A web storage object for storing data in the browser.
  1. Session Storage: Similar to Local Storage but data is cleared when the browser session ends.
  1. Cookies: Small pieces of data stored on the client's computer by websites.
  1. Geolocation API: Allows web applications to access the user's geographical location.
  1. Web Workers: Scripts that run in the background, separate from the main page.
  1. Service Workers: Scripts that act as proxy servers between web applications, the browser, and the network.
  1. WebSockets: A protocol providing full-duplex communication channels over a single TCP connection.
  1. Canvas API: Allows dynamic, scriptable rendering of 2D shapes and images.

Development Tools and Practices

  1. Debugging: The process of finding and fixing errors in code.
  1. Console.log(): A method to output messages to the browser console for debugging.
  1. Linter: A tool that analyzes code for potential errors and style issues.
  1. Transpiler: A tool that converts code from one version of JavaScript to another.
  1. Bundler: A tool that combines multiple JavaScript files into a single file.
  1. npm (Node Package Manager): A package manager for JavaScript libraries and tools.
  1. Version Control: A system for tracking and managing changes to code.
  1. Git: A popular distributed version control system.
  1. Unit Testing: Testing individual units or components of a program.
  1. Integration Testing: Testing how different parts of an application work together.
  1. Continuous Integration (CI): The practice of automating the integration of code changes.
  1. Deployment: The process of making a website or application available on the internet.
  1. Minification: The process of removing unnecessary characters from code without changing functionality.
  1. Code Splitting: Dividing code into smaller chunks to improve performance.
  1. Progressive Enhancement: A strategy for web design that emphasizes core webpage content first.


Congratulations! You've just gone through 100 essential JavaScript definitions. This knowledge will serve as a solid foundation as you continue your journey into the world of web development. Remember, practice makes perfect, so start coding and experimenting with these concepts. Happy coding! To test your JavaScript knowledge with our Free JavaScript Quiz or Practice JavaScript with challenges and real-world projects